
Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Why use a nappy cream on tattoos?

Bepanthen Nappy Cream - £3.50?

For my birthday a few weeks I went and got a tattoo I've been dying for since I was 14 - "Libertine". For those of you who don't know The Libertines were a band in the noughties fronted by Pete Doherty and Carl Barat, who had this tattooed upon them. It's just for the band I had it tattooed but what it meant to be and the actualy meaning behind it.
Anyway it went really well and was told to use baby cream on it to help it heal - but not to use Sudocream (lucky they told me this as I was planning to! Bepanthen can probably be found in any chemists or supermarket but I got mine from Asda for about £3.50. 
Admittedly I wasn't the best at remembering to put cream on but it seems to have healed really well and the cream helped with the peeling and tightness you get. It was rather sticky so I had to roll my sleeve up whilst it dried but apart from that is was great. It also helped with a burn I had on my wrist so might speed up scar recovery too. 
Have you got any tattoos and healing tips or are you a bit more traditional when it comes to inking the body? 

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